According to refugees, Serb forces have conducted systematic rapes in Dakovica and at the Karagac and Metohia hotels in Pec. We also have clear indications of the magnitude and intensity of the Serbian effort to displace the ethnic ....Acareva. Serb forces reportedly burned this village in the Drenica region on 30 March. Bela Crvka. Serb forces reportedly killed 35 people, then dumped their bodies near the Bellaja River between the Rogova and Bela Crvka railroad. ...
According to refugees, Serb forces have conducted systematic rapes in Dakovica and at the Karagac and Metohia hotels in Pec. We also have clear indications of the magnitude and intensity of the Serbian effort to displace the ethnic ....Acareva. Serb forces reportedly burned this village in the Drenica region on 30 March. Bela Crvka. Serb forces reportedly killed 35 people, then dumped their bodies near the Bellaja River between the Rogova and Bela Crvka railroad. ...
*Larg acareve te dimrave me debore *Qe vec ngrica shtrijne permbi toke e oqeane *Larg mendimit te ngushte absurd... *Larg intrigave dhe veseve te pronarve...! Llemadeo (Kafja e mengjezit per miqte) Shpresa dhe Zhgenjime ...